Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day 2 - Clue #2 and #3

Ok, so maybe I am skimping a bit on this, but I have not taken photos yet.....

It is bigger than a breadbox................

Ok, so maybe another clue seeing as the first one was really bad.......

Large parts of it are white.


Holly Denghel said...

I'm guessing either another doggy (what, it could happen), or somebody got a new car?

Sherry Bueche said...

Addie got a new car, but that is not what the clues are about. Oh yeah, it is white too.

Scrappingeek said...

Did the Upchurch's get another dog?????

Sherry Bueche said...

Nope, not a dog. Ha, Les would leave me if that were to happen.