Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bad Mom

Ok, I admit it, I am a bad bad mother. I have no baby photos to show off today. I had dinner with my mother last night and my sister decided to come over with her pack of dogs to meet Lucy. Needless to say we were all tramitized when we got home. So much activity! We opted for a quiet rest of the night with snggle time.

Today is not looking good photo wise either. I have my nephew's graducation and dinner. If dad doesn't take any pictures,then you may have to wait a few days before getting your Lucille fix!



Scrappingeek said...

Bad Mom. Bad Mom. We want pictures! Oh btw.....I blogged just for YOU.

Holly Denghel said...

It's ok, the pictuers that you posted are so cute that I think it can hold me for another 24 hours. But that's about all we can wait!!!

Holly Denghel said...

Ok, now it's tomorrow . . . where are our pictures??!!